When Do Great Danes Calm Down? (Vet Tech Answers)

When Do Great Danes Calm Down

Great Danes are known for their massive size, sweet disposition, and unwavering loyalty. These giants of the canine world are beloved for their loving nature and playful spirit. However, if you’re a Great Dane owner, you may have found out already that these dogs have tons of energy. All of that energy combined with their large size can be overwhelming.

So, when do Great Danes calm down?

As giant breed dogs, Great Danes don’t reach adulthood until about two years old. They won’t start to calm down until they’re two years old at least. Many Great Danes don’t experience a true decrease in energy until their late adult or early senior years. Don’t worry, there are many ways to help harness their energy.

In this article, we’ll explore all of the different life stages of a Great Dane, and how their energy changes through each one. We’ll also discuss some of the reasons why your Great Dane hasn’t calmed down yet and how to help relieve some of their extra energy.

At What Age Do Great Danes Calm Down?

Well, every individual dog can be different, there are a lot of external factors that contribute to your Great Danes’s energy level. Overall, Great Danes tend to have a lot of energy until they reach their senior years. Typically, you can expect your Great Dane to start to calm down a little bit once they’ve reached two years of age.

Puppyhood (0 months – 24 months)

Puppyhood lasts a long time for Great Danes. That’s because these dogs are so big and take a long time to fully mature. Great Danes are considered puppies until they’re about 18 to 24 months old depending on the individual.

As newborns, Great Danes aren’t energetic yet. They’ll spend most of their days sleeping and eating. But, after a few months, expect a serious shift in personality

Like all puppies, Great Danes have high energy levels and need to burn off excess energy through play and exercise. Puppies are naturally curious, clumsy, and playful, and spend much of their youth learning about the world around them. This can come off as boisterous and obnoxious, especially in giant dogs.

Puppies are also developing mentally and physically. They’ll test boundaries by doing things like jumping on tables or pushing items over just to see what happens. As puppies, mature, their energy seems to grow. Once they’ve become mature adults, they should start to calm down, and their energy will stabilize.

Adulthood (2 years – 5 years)

As Great Danes reach about two years of age, they will be at their most active. This level of energy can last all the way up until about four or five years of age. As your Great Dane navigates through adulthood, you might notice that they do start to calm down a bit. They might settle into their schedules and become less hyperactive.

This could be because you and your Great Dane have worked out a perfect daily routine where all their basic needs are met. Adults are also naturally less curious than puppies and don’t feel the need to explore everything. One of the reasons that adults maintain such high energy levels is that they were bred for a specific purpose, hunting large animals.

Great Danes are the way they are because they were selectively bred for certain traits and attributes. Their size, coat color, and strong jaw were all chosen over years of breeding. Great Danes were originally bred as hunting dogs. Their job was to be able to take down large animals such as deer and boar. To be successful at this job, Great Danes needed to have an abundance of energy.

It’s only natural that Great Danes don’t calm down very much as adults. Their breed just isn’t meant to.

Seniors (5 years +)

Great Danes don’t have an incredibly long lifespan. These gentle giants only reach an age of about 8 – 10 years on average. Due to predisposed health issues, many Great Danes only live to be 6-7 years old.

As seniors, Great Danes will officially calm down. At this point, you’ll notice a significant reduction in their energy levels. As seniors, dogs, experience natural effects of aging, just like humans do. This includes a natural decline and energy and activity levels.

Older dogs might also have health issues that limit their mobility and stamina. Senior Great Danes are also more mature mentally and have calmer and more relaxed dispositions than ever before.

These senior dogs won’t have the same exercise requirements as adults and puppies do. But, they’ll still be the same pets and maybe even be a lot nicer to have around the house.

Why Won’t My Great Dane Calm Down?

If your Great Dane seems to be a little insane, you might be missing a key part of the puppy puzzle. Don’t get us wrong, these dogs are energetic. But, even the most hyper Dane should be able to calm down at some point each and every day.

Here are some reasons why your Great Dane might not be able to calm down

Reason 1: They’re Young

If your Great Dane is young, you have a long way to go until they fully calm down. Though Great Dane energy levels will stabilize as they become adults, they won’t usually decline until many years later.

It’s simply a breed characteristic that Great Danes are energetic. Give your dog a few years to grow older, and you should notice that they’re not bouncing off the walls in the same way that they used to.

Reason 2: Lack Of Enrichment

Enrichment and mental stimulation are so important for pets. Intelligent dogs need enrichment even more so than other dog breeds.

Without mental stimulation or enrichment, your dog may become bored and start to play however, they would like to. Oftentimes, bored dogs will start to engage in destructive behaviors like chewing on door frames, or digging huge holes in the yard.

Giving your Great Dane mental stimulation will help calm them throughout the rest of the day.

Reason 3: Inadequate Exercise

Obviously, physical exercise is just as important as mental exercise in managing a Great Danes’s energy levels.

Great Danes are giant dogs with pretty heavy exercise needs. Although these dogs are one of the larger breeds that can be considered low energy, they still need around 60 minutes of daily exercise as adults.

There’s no way your Great Dane will be able to act calm if they don’t get enough exercise in the day. If anything a Great Dane that isn’t allowed to exercise will become restless and even destructive.

Reason 4: Poor Impulse Control

Impulse control is a vital skill for any dog, especially for giant dog breeds like Great Danes.

Some Great Danes lack impulse control because they haven’t received proper training. Others may be more excited will naturally. Either way, it takes time and consistent training to manage impulse control.

We’ll talk more below about how teaching impulse control can help your Great Dane calm down.

Reason 5: Medical Or Behavioral Issues

Rarely, a Great Danes’ inability to calm down might be due to an underlying medical or behavioral issue. It’s essential to rule out any health concerns and address behavior problems as soon as you can.

Because of their size, Great Danes are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and gastric bloat. Both of these conditions can cause discomfort and restlessness and may translate into an overly energetic dog.

Unspayed or unneutered dogs can also be excitable due to hormone fluctuations. So, if your Great Dane is intact, it’s natural for them to have more bursts of energy.  Thyroid issues can also lead to behavioral changes such as hyperactivity.

Anxiety, fear, and separation anxiety can lead to excessive amounts of energy, especially when left alone. Dogs with these sorts of behavior issues require special intervention and care and won’t calm down without work.

How Can I Calm My Great Dane Down?

There are several things that you can do if your Great Dane is a bit of a handful. Calmness is achievable for your pet with a little patience, consistency, and the application of the right strategies. Here are some tips to help you achieve a more serene household.

Regular Exercise

If you’re looking for peace, regular daily exercise is a must for a Great Dane.

Some good ideas for exercising your dog are walks around the neighborhood, playtime at the dog park, or even an outing to an agility yard. And yes, even though Great Danes are so big they still do well and seem to enjoy agility practice.

Since Great Danes are prone to hip issues, you should never make them go upstairs as a form of exercise. Try to walk them on dirt, sand, or grass if at all possible, and never let children ride on top of your Great Dane.

Stimulating Activities

Mental enrichment is another incredibly important part of keeping the dog as calm as possible. Great Danes are intelligent and need the simulation, otherwise, they’ll start looking for other activities to keep them occupied.

One of the most enriching activities for dogs is smelling new things. You can try taking a different path or walking somewhere new to give your Great Dane something interesting to smell. Make sure you always let them take sniff breaks during walks.

Puzzles can be fun, but you’ll need to make sure you get one that’s big enough for your giant dog. You can also try switching up their physical activity to give them mental stimulation. Play fetch with a ball, a frisbee, or other toys every so often.

Here are a few ideas of puzzle toys you can try for your dog!


Training is a great way to allow your Great Dane to blow off a little extra steam.

Not only is training an important part of being a responsible dog owner but it can also be used to keep your pup entertained. Beyond the basic commands of sit, lie down, and stay, you can teach a Great Dane to open the door, put laundry in the basket, or even track down miscellaneous items in the house.

Great Danes are easy to train since they’re so keen on pleasing their owners, so this can be enjoyable for both you and the pup!

A Buddy

Sometimes, another dog is the best source of entertainment for a Great Dane. Great Danes generally do well with other dogs, especially if they’ve been raised together. For flow: “Another dog can entertain your furry friend while you’re away, helping them stay calmer overall.

Spaying Or Neutering

One more thing to consider to help your Great Dane calm down is having them spayed or neutered.

Among other benefits, spaying and neutering your pet helps keep hormone levels from fluctuating. This means that your Great Dane will feel more stable emotionally and have fewer bursts of energy.

Is It Bad If My Great Dane Has Too Much Energy?

It’s natural if your Great Dane has a lot of energy, especially if they’re under the age of five. However, excessive energy levels can make vet visits difficult, and grooming impossible, and can make leaving your dog home alone terrifying.

While it’s not a bad thing that your Great Dane has energy, you should try using some of the techniques above to harness and redirect that energy.

Is It Bad If My Great Dane Isn’t Energetic?

If your Great Dane is lethargic, that might just be part of their personality. But, if it’s something that’s come on suddenly you’ll want to take your dog to the veterinarian and make sure everything is OK.

Final Thoughts

Great Danes aren’t always a calm dog breed. Their energy levels peak around 2 years of age and remain steady until about 5 to 6 years. Luckily, there are plenty of techniques you can use to help your Great Dane calm down.

Hopefully, this article has given you reassurance and some great ideas on how to handle your (overly) excited pup!

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